Genocides in 20th and 21st century World


On November 25th, 2022, the CGC conducted its first virtual conference titled “Genocides in 20th and 21st century World’’. The panel was joined by prominent scholars: Ben Kiernan, Omer Bartov and Hannibal Travis, whose authority on genocide and Holocaust studies is widely celebrated. In this session, the speakers discussed the world’s most gruesome genocidal events across different regions.


Man-made catastrophes such as genocide is one of the heinous crimes observed among human race that had impacted people for many generations. Even in this century, genocide is not a history. The question of genocide remains in different form of hate crimes and aggressions. With this session, the CGC hopes to send a message to all international communities and people across the globe about this odious invention of mankind and further is optimistic about their role in prevention. 



Ben Kiernan

A. Whitney Griswold Professor Emeritus of History, Yale University


Omer Bartov

Samuel Pisar Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Brown University


Hannibal Travis

Professor of Law, Florida International University



Soumava Basu

Soumava Basu

President and Founder, CGC